(Genesis Ch. 6: 1-8, 11: 1-9)
The Problem
Some of the recent advances in genetic engineering and transgenic development of organisms are astonishing: A company called Nexia has managed to put the gene of a spider into goats. The "spider-goats" produce milk with a silk protein which is so strong and lightweight that the U.S. Army wants to make bullet proof vests out of it. Now fluorescent cats, human/pig hybrids and other exceedingly bizarre creatures are actually being created by our scientists. A genetically modified cat named Mr. Green Genes is the first fluorescent cat in the United States. If you get one of these, you will never have to turn the lights on to find your cat.
Biotechnology has opened up revolutionary possibilities for the treatment of many illnesses and debilitating physical conditions, for which treatment has been eluding us. It is also revolutionizing the way solutions are being found for many of the problems confronting us, particularly in the areas of energy and agriculture. Many crops such as rice, maize, and potatoes are being genetically engineered in myriad ways. The proponents of genetic engineering in agriculture, particularly multinational seed corporations and their collaborators argue that the benefits are many: 1) higher crop yields 2) more nutritious food 3) crops can be grown in harsh environments 4) they are more resistant to pests thus eliminating the use of potentially hazardous pesticides 5) undesirable characteristics can be removed 6) food can have a better flavour and a longer shelf life and 7) they can also be used as a cheap source of medicine.
Genetically Engineered Crops in India
BT Cotton was the first genetically engineered crop that was introduced in India and it is widely used in states like Andhra Pradesh. Field trials are going on for many plant varieties or are awaiting approval from the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC). These crops include brinjal, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, corn/maize, ground nut, bhindi/okra, potato, rice, tomato, mustard and sorghum. Researches in this area have been corporate driven with technology sub-licensed from the US multinational seed company, Monsanto, through Monsanto-Mahyco Biotech and with active collaboration of ICAR. By patenting and branding seeds, seed companies establish their monopoly over trade in agricultural inputs. An idea about the extent of this “collaboration” between Indian State and the Multinational seed corporations can be had from the fact that of the Rs. 400 crore set apart by India for agricultural research, Rs. 300 crore is for research in transgenic materials and biotechnology. Read on US-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative: www.bhoomimatha.com
A Biblical Reflection
While the promises and potential of genetic engineering are enormous, and arguments for and against it still remain topics of debate, two verses from the scripture portions suggested for our reflection act as key to begin a theological and ethical reflection on this subject:
“The Lord saw that the wickedness of human kind was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” (Genesis 6: 5-6)
“And the Lord said, “Look, they are one people, and they have all one language: and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will be impossible for them.” Genesis 11: 6)
The story of the fall as found in Genesis chapter 3: 1-19 reveal the human attempt to be ‘like God’: to trespass the limit of being human, become all knowing and to immortalize oneself. In classical theology, this is described as ‘hubris’, pride or arrogance. It is human hubris that had resulted in the fall which manifested itself in their estrangement from God, the animal world, the very woman whom the man described as “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”, and the earth from which they were created. The fall is not depicted as having implications for only those who trespass the limits, but all multifaceted relationships in which human beings are placed, especially the earth: “cursed is the ground because of you”. (Gen.3:14-19) The fall manifests itself as breach in relationships: it becoming one of enmity, domination and exploitation. Human failure to recognize the essential interdependence and mutuality with the rest of creation (anthropocentrism) and their role as stewards of creation remain crucial for defining the crises that we face in relation to our ecosystem, to the earth. Ecology affirms life’s unity and community with the rest of creation. Any indifference or slighting of this delicate web of inter-relationship can continue only at the cost of life on this planet.
The story of human hubris, arrogance and unwillingness to accept the limits of the other, be it God, one’s own brother/sister, other human beings or the earth and the flora and fauna around continues to reverberate in the following chapters in Genesis reaching its culmination in Chapter 11. In Chapter 4, human sinfulness manifests itself as fratricide and unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s own brother - “am I my brother’s keeper?” In Chapter 6, which is a prologue to the flood, the sinfulness of refusing to recognize the boundaries of being human and their relationship with this earth (“adamah”) is highlighted. More apparently, what we find is a breaching of the boundaries separating heavenly beings and earthly beings. Without going into the controversies of who constitute ‘the sons of God’ and ‘daughters of humans’, what becomes more obvious is the creation of a kind of transgenic beings, the Nephilim, people of gigantic stature who possess super human powers. (Num.13:33; Duet.2:10-11) Whether “they were the heroes, that were of old, warriors of renown”, the fact is that the Lord saw this as a product of human wickedness and perversion of human creativity - “every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was continually evil. And the Lord was sorry that he had made human kind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” This was how the context for God’s decision to “blot out from the earth the human beings” was presented.
Many technological innovations, particularly in the field of GMOs and their patenting (patenting of life forms) have corrupted the earth. What is pushed through and ‘enforced’ on the developing nations through WTO and other Free Trade Agreements is nothing but corruption and violence: “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence.” (Gen. 6: 11-12) Here the notion of violence goes beyond mere physical violence, and focuses our attention on the structural manifestation of violence implicit in an earth that has been corrupted. Forcing technology, which serves the interests of big corporations and nations, upon poorer nations through the imposition of a neo-liberal economic regime, is such violence, perpetrated not only on humans but also on rest of God’s creation.
This story culminates in Genesis 11: Using technological prowess, human beings decide to “build themselves (ourselves) a city and a tower with its top in the heavens” – the gate way to the realm of Gods. It was a Promethean desire to create for themselves unity, fame and security, which God alone could provide. It was a decision to isolate themselves from rest of the human community, secure themselves a territorial space, create an exclusive empire (“Let us make a name for ourselves”), and become invincible. It was an expression of imperialist ambitions, which is being played out today through neo-liberal economic policies and militarism, furthered by powerful nations and corporate entities. Through a carefully engineered fear of the ‘other’, we are led into supporting violent regimes, human rights violations, arms race and the myriad policies and programs implemented to benefit corporate interests, while millions die of hunger, malnutrition and without gainful employment.
Here, God’s own acknowledgement of human technological prowess needs to be noted: “Nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”Moreover, since “every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually”, this prowess inherent in human beings can always be used to wicked ends with unimaginable and deleterious consequences, not only for the human kind but the entire creation.In the context of technological advancement, we need to ask ourselves, just because everything that human beings propose is possible, should we go about realizing all those possibilities? Shouldn’t we consider and prescribe limits, trespassing of which will lead to loss of communication (“confused the language”), loss of community and eventual loss of life itself? Acknowledging the fall and the anthropocentrism involved in it, can we re-imagine a world where “God saw everything he had made, and indeed, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31), where all created beings relate with mutuality and respect?
In the light of this tendency for perversion of human creativity, we need to look at some of the worst fears and effects of GM seeds and foods:
- As human beings we have to recognize and respect the integrity of each God’s creation, however small and insignificant it may seem. Creating an apple that tastes like a pineapple is not respecting the integrity of both, but destroying their distinct identity and integrity.
- By unnaturally intervening into the order of creation, we are not only playing God, but also destroying the integrity of each God’s creation. Mixing genetic material from species that cannot breed naturally, takes us into areas that should be left to God. We should not be meddling with the building blocks of life in this way (Prince Charles, quoted in the BBC News, Online Network: 26 February 1999).
- By unnatural intervention into the building blocks of life of each species, we are destroying biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of different species, the genetic variability of each species, and the variety of different ecosystems that they form. It is in this diversity and the delicately designed relationship (ecosystem) that life exists.
- Insertion of genes into the genome of a particular organism can result in unintended effects. The way the inserted gene affects the functioning of the crop’s own genes is unpredictable. This may lead to the development of unknown toxic/allergenic components. We have only tests to find out known toxic elements. Genetically Modified (GM) foods can affect both animals and human beings in ways that are beyond our present understanding.
- Every imagination or purpose or the thoughts of human hearts in relation to Genetic Engineering is corporate driven for profit and nothing but profit. It was these vested interests that facilitated a new patent regime through WTO which included patenting of life forms. The person who discovers a gene is, in effect, conferred ownership of it via a patent! In short, patenting life amounts to owning life.
- Traditional seeds of many crops have been ‘stolen’ surreptitiously from farmers and private seed companies are now supplying ‘improved varieties’ to them. Thus already farmers are alienated from ownership over seeds and are dependent on private companies for seeds. With the introduction of genetically modified seeds, their alienation from seeds would become complete. It would also mean compromising not only our food security but also food sovereignty. The government, agricultural universities and public research organizations (ICAR) supported by tax payer’s money are now playing second fiddle to the nefarious designs of private monopolies.
Our calling in Jesus Christ is not to become “like God” but to be more human like Jesus, assuming the role of a servant to the rest of creation. To follow and emulate Christ means to be responsible to one’s own fellow human beings and to the rest of God’s creation. Ecological consciousness is one that affirms our interdependence, mutuality and just relationships as the very basis of life and being human. Proclaiming God’s rule in Jesus Christ makes it incumbent upon us to expose and subject to ridicule satanic forces that claim authority over life and destroy it. Knowledge and technology has to be redeemed to serve God’s purposes in creation rather than to serve the purposes of Satan in destroying life and the integrity of creation.
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