27 March 2013

Justice: The Biggest Casualty on the Cross

Subversion of justice continues and many more sons of men are “crucified”. Afzal Guru is one of the recent instances of such perversion of justice and crucifixion.

The religious fundamentalists and nationalists who looked for a scapegoat to vent their malicious hatred, the law and order forces that connived with the powers that be to frame him, the judges of the highest court in India who finally made a verdict to hang Afzal to appease the “collective conscience of society”, the general public who had no qualm in hanging this man in the name of national security and patriotism, and the media that made a scoop out of this perversion of justice and celebrated his hanging and those law and order forces that clandestinely executed his hanging are condemned in the cross of Christ.

We are all implicated in the cross of Christ for our active collaboration with an unjust society, our apathy in the face of gross violations of human rights and natural justice, our opting for expediency when we should have squarely dealt with realities, bending our knees before wealth and power and indulging in religious exercise and piety that are meant to hood wink the public.

How often Christians realize that they are followers of the one who was condemned a criminal and a traitor? Our rituals associated with the Holy Week can only mask this reality of the cross and make it more aseptic.

26 March 2013

The King who Rides on a Donkey

The stage is set for the final encounter.

The hour had arrived for the world/mankind to make the ultimate decision, (to either acknowledge Jesus the King or to renounce Him). The time had come for Jesus to fight the great battle with, Satan, sin and death...

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem amidst the shouting of hosannas by the crowd was a meticulously planned coup, strategically choreographed to catch the Jewish authorities by surprise and to announce his kingship and his rule; one that would mock all the worldly rulers and worldly kingdoms. Jesus rides on the colt of a donkey with all humility to announce peace and justice, instead of war.